Expert Guide to Conducting Compelling Podcast Interviews: Tips for Making Your Guests Feel Relaxed and Open

As a podcast host, conducting engaging and compelling interviews with guests is a crucial element of your show's success.

However, making your guests feel relaxed and open during the interview process can be challenging, especially if they are not used to being interviewed.

Drawing on our experience as podcast producers in the Podcast Studio Glasgow, we’ve drawn up a list of tips for you to get amazing interviews with guests who feel at ease.

photo of a rode procaster microphone for recording a podcast
  1. Build rapport: Building rapport with your guest before the interview is key to making them feel comfortable. Take the time to chat with them before the interview, ask about their interests and background, and find common ground.

  2. Be respectful of their time: Showing respect for your guest's time is essential for building trust. Arrive on time for the interview, and make sure that you are organized and prepared to begin the interview on schedule.

  3. Create a relaxed atmosphere: The atmosphere of the interview can greatly affect how comfortable your guest feels. Make sure the room is quiet, well-lit, and at a comfortable temperature. Also, consider the background noise level, you can use sound-proofing materials to reduce echo and background noise.

  4. Use open-ended questions: Using open-ended questions allows your guest to share their thoughts and experiences in their own words, making them feel more relaxed and open. Avoid asking leading or closed-ended questions that only require a yes or no answer.

  5. Avoid interrupting: Interrupting your guest while they are speaking can make them feel uncomfortable and can disrupt the flow of the conversation. Instead, allow them to finish their thought and then respond.

  6. Be sensitive to their boundaries: Remember that everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to sharing personal information. Be sensitive to your guest's boundaries, and respect their wishes if they decline to answer a question.

By following these expert tips, you'll be able to conduct better podcast interviews and make your guests feel relaxed and open.


This will help you create a more engaging and compelling podcast that listeners will be excited to tune in to. Remember to be respectful, sensitive, and empathetic to your guests, and to create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.

The Podcast Studio Glasgow was created off the back of the 18 years of experience I have hosting, recording and producing podcasts. So, make an appointment to come and see me and I’ll help you get on the podcasting train, coaching you to become the best host possible. And our studio has the best audio and video gear in Glasgow to create the highest-quality of podcasts. Get in touch to learn how we can help you!

Mark Hunter

Mark is the founder of Postable Limited and the co-founder of the Podcast Studio Glasgow. He became a pioneer of podcasting in 2005 and has worked extensively as a podcast producer, digital marketing consultant and content creator.

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Expert Guide to Preparing for Podcast Interviews: Tips for Hosting Successful Conversations